Plan your visit
  • From: 29 june 2024
  • Through: 03 november 2024
  • Location: Kasteel Het Nijenhuis


Every year in June, Zwolle bustles with life thanks to the PROTO festival. Students from creative MBO and HBO courses show their graduation work in the Spoorzone and at various locations in the centre of Zwolle. Together with Museum de Fundatie, PROTO also invites two artists-in-residence every year, who work on an exhibition together with the students. Mutual inspiration and the mixing of different styles, working methods and materials form the starting point. This year, Creative Chef Jasper Udink ten Cate and designer Jurgen Bey (Studio Makkink & Bey) are PROTO's guests.

Read more about PROTO festival

The final exhibition, featuring work by Udink ten Cate and Bey and that of a number of students, can be seen in the Garden Hall of Kasteel het Nijenhuis, Museum de Fundatie's outdoor location.The castle, one of the best-preserved manor houses in Overijssel, situated among farmland, is surrounded by a moat and a sculpture garden.A manor house used to form an ecosystem in itself - the garden served not only as a park, but also as a vegetable and flower garden.The people who lived there formed a mini society with each other, with the lord and lady of the manor at the head.Today, those old patterns have been broken. Yet Bey and Udink ten Cate want to investigate precisely how to use different ingredients to create a new, self-contained ecosystem, especially in such a historic place. Together with the students, they will think about what you need to do this. The result can be seen in the castle's Garden Hall and garden as well as in Zwolle's Spoorzone. Expect food, art, music, design and nature - in a big pressure cooker.

Jurgen Bey (1965) can be considered one of the first conceptual designers of the Netherlands and he was part of the generation that made Dutch Design great in the 1990s. Under the Droog Design banner, he made an international name for himself as a visionary designer. In 2002, Bey founded Studio Makkink & Bey with architect Rianne Makkink. By zooming in on a product, such as a lamp or furniture, and zooming out again to the level of architecture or urban planning, he shows how these seemingly different domains influence each other and are inseparable.

Read more about Jurgen Bey

Jasper Udink ten Cate (b. 1978) is an artist and creative chef. His studio is internationally recognised as the leading expert in multi-sensory storytelling and experience design. Using many different ingredients, including nature, physics, coding, music, philosophy, product design, biodiversity, fashion, graphic design, painting and other disciplines, Creative Chef Studio creates experiences.

Read more about Jasper Udink ten Cate

There will be a PROTO Summer Dinner on Saturday 24 June 2024. 

Read more about the Summer Dinner

PROTO festival

  • From: 29 Jun 2024
  • Through: 03 Nov 2024
  • Location: Kasteel Het Nijenhuis

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